Overview of ICS 314, and some simple initial tasks to get oriented and ready for the course.
Concepts of a professional persona, building a portfolio site in WordPress, initiating your professional network.
Introduction to integrated development environments and Eclipse.
Simple Java coding experiences that help you learn the “athletic” pedagogy used in this class and also help you refamiliarize yourself with Java coding.
Frameworks for the web presentation layer, focussing on Twitter Bootstrap.
Overview of web application frameworks and the Play Framework.
Create forms, the Scala template language, and user interaction.
Become more sophisticated with the Scala template language and more advanced user interaction controls.
Learn to deploy your web applications using a cloud-based provider (CloudBees).
Practice your athletic software engineering skills by participating in a Startup Weekend.
Learn how to verify user identity and restrict user access.
Learn to design information architectures using entity-relationship models.
Learn to implement persistent models using the MySQL relational database management system.
Demonstrate your ability to integrate all of the material in this course.
Background information and evaluation data collected from the students in this course.