Module: Meta-module: Athletic Software Engineering

Background information and evaluation data collected from the students in this course.


Athletic Software Engineering Education

My Summer 2013 blog post describing the idea of athletic software engineering.

Athletic Software Engineering

An ‘athletic’ approach to software engineering education using Workouts of the Day.

WOD Weekly Rhythm

Course structure for learning by WODs

HEBS (Homework, Exercise, Breakfast, Sleep)

Lifestyle modifications to optimize WOD results

End of semester reflections

Student feedback on athletic software engineering, Fall 2013

Practice WOD repetitions

Data on how often students repeated the practice WODs.

WOD Performance trends

Visualizations showing WOD performance and DNF trends over the Fall, 2013 semester

University of Hawaii course evaluation results for ICS 314, Fall 2013

Results from the eCafe anonymous end-of-semester student course evaluation.

Athletic Software Engineering Education: Initial Results

My Winter 2013 blog post summarizing my initial findings from teaching in an athletic software engineering style.