Module: Coding standards

Concepts of coding standards, initial standards for ICS 314.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the benefits of coding standards

You understand the benefits of coding standards and why they improve the quality and efficiency of software development.

Recognize presence/absence of coding standards

You can recognize the presence (or absence) of best practices for Java coding standards in program files.


Coding standards

Motivation for coding standards, Elements of Java Style coding standards, Checkstyle

Screencast 9 min

Elements of Java Style

Best practices for Java coding

Experiential Learning

Find the violations game

Verify that you can find violations of the Elements of Java Style


Find the violations game

Outcomes assessed: Understand the benefits of coding standards, Recognize presence/absence of coding standards

This in-class assessment verified that students could find basic violations of the Elements of Java Style in sample Java code when working in a team.


  • The game does not preclude that some players might be “free-riders”, but most players appear to have increased their knowledge of EJS by playing.