A09: FizzBuzz in Eclipse


Implement the FizzBuzz program in Java. Time how long it took you to implement, from the moment you opened the Eclipse editor to the moment you verified that you obtained the output correctly.

Recall that the FizzBuzz program should print out all of the numbers from 1 to 100, one per line, except that when the number is a multiple of 3, you print “Fizz”, when a multiple of 5, you print “Buzz”, and when a multiple of both 3 and 5, you print “FizzBuzz”.

As part of this program, you should implement some sort of test of the program to ensure that it works correctly. If you know JUnit, you can use that. Otherwise you can just write another class called something like TestFizzBuzz that ensures correct behavior under a reasonably chosen set of conditions.

Enable the Checkstyle plugin for this Eclipse project, and remove any errors that Checkstyle identifies in your code.

When you have finished, write a blog posting that discusses your experiences. Include a copy of your completed FizzBuzz program, indicate the time it took you to implement it. Make sure that the program text is not cut off and that indentation appears correctly. Use the code or gist shortcodes to embed your program text.

Discuss what problems you ran into (either with Java, Checkstyle, or Eclipse), and how you solved them. Finally, what has the experience revealed to you about software engineering, and this class?

Note: Although you are timing yourself, this is not a “race” to see who can do this assignment the fastest. Instead, it is an opportunity for you to reflect on what happens when you program, where you spend your time while doing it, and what you might try to do to improve in future.

Submission instructions

By the date and time indicated on the calendar page, send johnson@hawaii.edu an email with a link to the blog entry associated with this assignment. Make sure your link starts with “http:” so that I can click on it in my mailer.

Make sure that it also appears as one of your postings when someone clicks on the “Postings” link of your professional portfolio.

Note: the subject line must be [ICS 314: A09]. If the subject line is different, then I might not see the email and you might not get credit for this assignment.