A21: Get started with CloudBees

Review the resources on the module home page, then:

  1. Sign up. Sign up and obtain an account on CloudBees. Note that whenever possible, you should try to create accounts with a canonical “professional” username (for example, my username on gmail, twitter, github, wordpress, and cloudbees is “philipmjohnson”.)

  2. Use ClickStart. Create a practice Play application using ClickStart. Call it, for example, “myfirstplayapp”. Once you can verify that you can retrieve the running application in a browser, then you can delete the application.

  3. Install the CloudBees SDK. Verify that you can run the CloudBees SDK by entering “bees” on the command line.

You should get output similar to the following:

% bees
  # CloudBees SDK version: 1.5.2
  # CloudBees Driver version: 1.3.6
  Type 'bees help ' for help on a specific subcommand.
   (command listing deleted)

When you are finished with these steps, you are ready to move on to the practice WODs.