E26: Install IntelliJ IDEA

1. Download IDEA

Download IntelliJ IDEA 14 (Ultimate Edition) from the download page.

You will also want to refer to Running IntelliJ IDEA for the first time.

Upon startup, it will ask you for a license key to use the Ultimate Edition. Philip should have given you instructions in class for how to get it.

Following that, it will ask you if you want to import prior settings. I recommend that you do not do this, but instead reconfigure from scratch. This results in IntelliJ downloading the correct versions of all plugins.

If you specify you are a new user, it will then guide you through a customization wizard:

After that you should be ready to use IDEA.

2. General Configuration

To configure IntelliJ for this class, please follow the instructions at the class IntelliJ Configuration Guide page.

3. Verify startup time < 10 seconds

After configuration, quit IDEA, then time how long it takes for it to start up on your platform. It should take less than 10 seconds (on my Mac, it takes 7 seconds). It is very important to make sure that your IDE loads in less than 10 seconds, otherwise you will be tempted to use a different editor for “simple” tasks.

If it does not come up in less than 10 seconds, read the the class IntelliJ Configuration Guide page for suggestions on how to fix this problem.

Submission Instructions

To be completed by the time and date indicated on the Schedule page.