E49: Discover Meteor (Part 2)

For this experience, start by continuing on through the tutorial from Discover Meteor Book, building upon your work in the initial Discover Meteor experience.

Before starting, you’ll want to switch back to your master branch. This will reset your code to the same point in the book as the start of Chapter 5 by undoing your changes for the E47 practice WOD.

Go through the following chapters, building up your personal copy of the Microscope application by copying their code into your repo as you go along. Please finish the following chapters (my times in parentheses):

As you can see, this took me about 1.5 hours. To be safe, you might want to allocate around 2 hours.

There is no practice WOD associated with this experience, but the insights you will acquire from building up this code base are important for success in future experiences.

Submission instructions

To be completed by the time and date indicated on the Schedule page.