E55: Digits, Part 3

To finish the first phase of digits development, let’s check JSHint, make sure we’ve documented the functions using JSDoc notation, deploy the app to meteor.com, and create a README page.


Before starting this practice WOD, be sure to have merged your best “collection” branch back into master. See the git merge reading for an example of how to do this.

Also be sure you know how to take screenshots of your browser windows to create documentation.


Ready? Let’s begin:

  1. Start your timer.

  2. Your master branch should contain the results from adding the Contact collection.

  3. Off the master branch, create and switch to a branch called “qa-1” in your local repository. You will do all the work for this WOD in this branch.

  4. Run JSHint on your code following our jshint coding standards. This means:

    • Update the .jshintrc file for the appropriate application global vars.
    • Update your IntelliJ preferences to check only JSHint and only the specified subdirectory.
  5. Create screenshots of the home page, the add page, and the list page of your application. Add those screenshots and commit them.

  6. Update the README file following our github coding standards. Insert the images into the README file. Make sure to document to run meteor with the –settings option.

  7. Deploy your application to meteor.com. Call it digits-username, where username is your uh account name. For example, my application is deployed as “digits-johnson.meteor.com”.

  8. Once you’ve finished, commit your changes to GitHub, and check to see that your changes are there.

  9. Merge your branch into master (both locally and on GitHub).

  10. Create a GitHub page to document your application.

  11. Stop your timer and record your time. Be sure to record it, because you will need your WOD time data when you write your technical essay.

Rx: <22 min Av: 22-30 min Sd: 30-35 min DNF: 35+ min


Once you’ve finished trying the WOD for the first time, watch me do it:

Standard WOD Caveats

You’ll learn significantly less from watching me solve the WOD if you haven’t attempted the WOD yourself first.

While it’s an achievement to finish the WOD no matter how long it takes, you might experience “diminishing returns” if you work longer than the DNF time. Thus, it is usually strategic to stop working at the DNF time and watch my solution.

After watching my solution, I recommend that you repeat the WOD if you have not achieved at least Av performance. If so, be sure to:

Feel free to keep trying until you make Rx if that’s of interest to you.

Submission instructions

To be completed by the time and date indicated on the Schedule page.