E05: Experience a professional portfolio

Your “professional persona” is your online presence that is visible to potential colleagues and employers. A key component of your professional persona is your professional portfolio site, where you can present your skills and accomplishments in a useful and engaging manner. By having all members of the class create professional portfolios using the same technology (WordPress), each member can learn from others and thus raise the quality of everyone’s portfolio. Prior to beginning this assignment you should have watched both screencasts in the Resources section of this module, and reviewed the Professional Portfolio Style Guide.

Task: Design and implement your professional portfolio.

First, create a free account at wordpress.com. Choose a username at WordPress that will be suitable for your professional portfolio. For example, my username is “philipmjohnson”. (Note: if you really want to use another technology, please discuss with me.)

Second, following the procedures outlined in the screencast, create a site to serve as your professional portfolio that satisfies the requirements in the Professional Portfolio Style Guide.

Third, create a single posting (approximately 3-4 paragraphs) that discusses your interests in software engineering and what kinds of skills and experiences you hope to develop in future. Be sure to follow the tips in the Technical Essay Style Guide.

Submission instructions

By the date and time indicated on the Schedule page, send johnson@hawaii.edu an email with a link to your professional portfolio. Your URL should start with “http:” so that my mailer will recognize it as an URL and make it clickable.

Note: the subject line must be [ICS 314: E05]. If the subject line is different, then I might not see the email and you might not get credit for this assignment.