E33: Experience making the position repo compliant

After finishing the last practice WOD, you might be entertaining a couple of questions:

  1. You have one or more improved versions of the position repo in branches off of master. Shouldn’t the master branch hold the latest and greatest version of the code?

  2. The README.md file does not conform to our coding standards, and there’s no GitHub page for this repo. Doesn’t that violate our coding standards?

The goal of this practice WOD is to help you get comfortable with merging branches back into master and get more practice with creating README files and GitHub pages.

Obviously, you should finish E32 before starting this practice WOD.


Ready? Let’s begin:

  1. Start your timer.

  2. Make sure that you have synced both the master branch and one of your testing branches in your local environment. Next, merge your testing branch into the master branch. This involves:

    • Switching to the master branch
    • Using the “Compare” dropdown to compare it your testing branch
    • Clicking the “Update from” button to update your master branch with the changes you made in your testing branch.
    • Syncing your master branch, so that your GitHub repo also has these changes.
  3. Check to make sure your GitHub repo’s master branch is updated with your testing code.

  4. In your master branch, update your README.md file to conform to our GitHub standards.

  5. Create a screenshot of the testing page, store the png file in a new doc/ directory, and display the image in your README file. The markdown syntax will be something similar to:

  6. Commit your changes to GitHub.

  7. Create a GitHub Page to display your README, and put the URL into the “website” section of your GitHub repo.

  8. Stop your timer and record your time. Be sure to record it, because you will need your WOD time data when you write your technical essay.

Rx: < 13 min Av: 13-16 min Sd: 16-20 min DNF: 20+ min


Once you’ve finished trying the WOD for the first time, watch me do it:

Standard WOD Caveats

You’ll learn significantly less from watching me solve the WOD if you haven’t attempted the WOD yourself first.

While it’s an achievement to finish the WOD no matter how long it takes, you might experience “diminishing returns” if you work longer than the DNF time. Thus, it is usually strategic to stop working at the DNF time and watch my solution.

After watching my solution, I recommend that you repeat the WOD if you have not achieved at least Av performance. If so, be sure to:

Feel free to keep trying until you make Rx if that’s of interest to you.

Submission Instructions

To be completed by the time and date indicated on the Schedule page.