E40: Build bootstrap bookmarks while reading the fine manual

The Twitter Bootstrap documentation pages are very complete and well written and are the authoritative reference on the framework. The purpose of this experience is to both help you become familiar with Bootstrap capabilities while creating a set of bookmarks that enable you to easily find this documentation in future when you are working.


Create a hierarchical set of bookmarks in your favorite browser (Firefox, Chrome) that provides fast access to all of the 42 sections of the Twitter Bootstrap CSS, Components, and JavaScript documentation pages. Your bookmarks will consist of a top-level folder that holds three subfolders: “CSS”, “Components”, and “JavaScript”. Inside each of these subfolders will be links to the documentation sections of those pages.

Add a subfolder called bootstrap-example-intro that holds links to four branches of this repository (basic, signin, bootswatch, and thesesareus).

Add a subfolder called “Misc” to hold miscellaneous useful links. I find CSS Color Names and CSS Cheat Sheet to be useful. Put at least two links in this folder.

Here is a short video that illustrates how to do this. (I created this screencast for a class in 2013, but the instructions are still fine even though the Bootstrap version is updated.)

Submission instructions

By the date and time indicated on the Calendar page, please complete this activity. You will find these links to be very useful when doing the practice and in-class WODs. Be sure to actually read all of the Twitter Bootstrap documentation as you create these links: one goal of this exercise is to slow you down and force you to actually think about each of the components of the Twitter Bootstrap framework.

I will verify that this bookmark folder exists during class.