Module: QA Part 1: Coding standards

Concepts of coding standards, initial standards for ICS 314.

Learning Outcomes

Efficiently create software that conforms to standards

Create high quality technical essays


Experiential Learning


A12: Assess your ability to detect coding standards violations

WOD 01 Oct 09:00 AM

Outcomes assessed: Use an IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) effectively, Efficiently create software that conforms to standards

Rx: < 25 min Av: 25-35 min Sd: 35-45 min DNF: 45+ min or incorrect

This in-class WOD assessed your ability to detect and remove coding standard violations using IntelliJ and GitHub.


  • This was a “party WOD” due to my conducting the class over Slack. While there was a LOT of time provided for this WOD, most of the class somehow waited until the last minute to finish.

  • Many repos contained IntelliJ files (.idea directory or *.iml files). While this was a violation of the coding standards, I did not DNF for this issue.

  • Several students had such minimal READMEs and/or GitHub pages that they basically did not tell the user anything useful about how to run the code or even what the code did.

  • My hope is that with additional practice those who DNFed will become more efficient at producing useful documentation.

A13: Assess your ability to write about your coding standard experiences

01 Oct 09:00 AM

Outcomes assessed: Efficiently create software that conforms to standards, Create high quality technical essays

This assessment evaluated your technical essay regarding the Coding Standards module for clarity, insight, and conformance to the technical essay guidelines.


  • All of the essays were at least satisfactory, but none really got to the “excellent” level for me. Maybe coding standards just isn’t quite inspiring enough material?