Philip Johnson


I am a Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii and Director of the Collaborative Software Development Laboratory

Interests: Climate Change, Food Resiliency, Software Engineering, Educational Technology


NSF Descartes 2022 - present

NSF Descartes applies data science to address critical needs in power, transportation, healthcare, and communications.

Data Science Climate Science

Project Site
GeoGardenClub 2022 - present

Growing better gardens, gardeners, and communities, one plant at a time

Food Resilience Climate Change Communities of Practice

Project Site
Change Hawaii: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Island Resilience 2022 - present

The Change HI project envisions Hawaiʻi with an academic research enterprise that meets the existential threat of climate change with actionable science for stakeholders and meets the training and workforce needs of a diversified and regenerative economy.

Climate Change Data Science

Project Site
UH Department Dashboard 2020

Enable an academic unit to efficiently and effectively improve over time through access to up-to-date measures of teaching, research, service, and resources. .

UH Assessment

Project Site

See all 18 projects


Ten ways to integrate software engineering throughout the curriculum

14 Jan 2023

ICS 314, Introduction to Software Engineering, is part of the core curriculum and is a prerequisite to almost all upper division ICS courses. However, the concepts and technologies taught in ICS 314 can easily decay or be lost altogether if...

Software Engineering

Cheating in ICS: Insights from Students

16 Oct 2020

Thoughts from over 60 ICS students on how to reduce cheating in computer science classes.


CS @ UHM @ 2025: Stakeholder Perspectives

14 Oct 2020

ICS alumni and local high tech community members discuss the question: Five years from now, in 2025, what is one change we should make to improve the impact of computer science at UHM?


Computer Science Education as a High Performance, Multi-Generational Community of Practice

24 Jul 2020

The community of practice for computer science that I envision will attract students prior to entering the University of Hawaii, nurture and support them while they are working on their degree, and, most importantly, continue to seamlessly support their education...


I heard companies don't look at portfolios

18 Feb 2020

I recently came across a comment online from a developer questioning the value of creating a professional portfolio because “recruiters don’t look at them”. I want to offer a different perspective in case you’ve come across that opinion. While not...

Professional Development

How to get a good letter of recommendation

09 Feb 2020

If you are a student looking for a job or applying to graduate school, you will find that you need to ask one or more professors for letters of recommendation, or at least for the right to list one of...


See all 23 essays