Modules Topics covered in this class.

1. Introduction

Information, assessment, format, assignments, policies, topics, and the role of algorithms in computing.

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2. Analysis examples

Insertion sort, merge sort, asymptotic analysis, recurrences, loop invariants, linear search, binary search.

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3. Growth of functions

Asymptotic notations, omega, theta, recurrences, substitution, master method.

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4. Abstract data types

Stacks, queues, lists, trees, dynamic sets, pointers and objects, rooted trees, asymptotic analysis.

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5. Probabilistic Analysis

Indicator random variables, inversions, randomized algorithms, skip lists, the hiring problem.

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6. Hash Tables

Analysis of chaining, universal chaining, open addressing, direct address tables, hash functions.

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7. Divide and conquer

Substitution, master method, recurrence relations, induction, maximum subarray problem, Strassen’s algorithm.

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8. Binary Search Trees

Queries, insertion, deletion, modification, height, performance.

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9. Heapsort

Heaps, correctness, run-time analysis, priority queues, application to sorting.

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10. Quicksort

Randomizing, lower bounds on comparison sorts, counting sort, radix sort, bucket sort.

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11. Balanced Trees

(2,4) trees, red-black trees, insertion, deletion, rotations, comparison of dictionary implementations.

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12. Dynamic Programming

Cut rod problem, longest common subsequence, matrix-chain multiplication, knapsack problem, optimal substructure.

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13. Greedy Algorithms

Dynamic programming, activity scheduling, the greedy strategy, Huffman codes.

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14. Graphs

Definitions, methods, breadth first search, depth first search, shortest path, asymptotic complexity, topological sort, strongly connected components.

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15. Amortized analysis

Aggregate method, accounting method, potential method, dynamic tables, multipop example.

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16. Disjoint sets

Union-find, linked list representation, forest representation, finding connected components.

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17. Minimum spanning tree

Generic algorithm, safe edge algorithm, Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, shortest path, dense paths.

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18. Single source shortest paths

Bellman-Ford algorithm, shortest paths in direct acyclic graphs, Dijsktra’s algorithm.

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19. All pairs shortest paths

Johnson’s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, dynamic programming for dense graphs, transitive closure

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20. Maximum flow

Flow networks, maximum flow problem, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Edmonds-Karp algorithm, maximum bipartite matching

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21. Linear programming

Gaussian elimination, simplex method.

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22. Multithreading

Concepts, modeling and measuring dynamic multithreading, analysis of multithreaded algorithms, matrix multiplication example, merge sort example.

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23. String matching

Naive (brute force) string matching, matching with finite state automata, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm

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24. NP-completeness

P and NP classes, encoding problems and polynomial time verification, constructing NPC

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25. Approximation algorithms

Vertex cover example, TSP example, randomization and linear programming strategies

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