These policies were adopted (with changes) from Kazuo Sugihara.

Students in this course are subject to all the policies of ICS Department and the University of Hawaii at Manoa, including but not limited to the following:


Any form of cheating (such as plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration on an assignment) results in the grade of F and will be reported to ICS Department for further actions. In general, I encourage students to help each other but you should each produce your own final version of the homework assignments to turn in, except where use of another student’s code is explicitly allowed. Check with me if you are not sure.

In a technical report, a student may quote a few sentences written by another author with an explicit citation to its original source. Writing sentences or ideas of the other author without giving credit to the original author is plagiarism. Copying content of online documents is also regarded as plagiarism, irrespective of how much the original content is modified, if the student fails to write an accurate citation to the original source. Avoid so- called “patchwork plagiarism.” Informative suggestions are given in Avoiding Plagiarism by Professors Marilyn Bauer and Jacie Moriyama of Leeward Community College.

Reuse of Open Source

In a software product for an implementation assignment, a student is allowed to reuse open source if ALL of the following are met.

  1. The software does not cover functionality that the assignment specifies that the student will write.
  2. The software license of the open source reused gives permission for this reuse.
  3. The license header of reused source code is copied into a source file containing the reused source code.
  4. Documentation (e.g., Readme, User manual) of the software product clearly gives credits to authors of the reused source code (i.e., acknowledgments to the authors including information such as the name of an author, the name of a reused product and a list of file names of the reused source code).

Abuse of Facilities

Any form of abuse of computing resources of ICS Department or the University of Hawaii will not be tolerated. It results in termination of your account on their servers any time the abuse is detected, will lead to the grade F, and will be reported to ICS Department for further actions.

Please keep in your mind that access to and usage of our computing resources are your privilege, but not your right.

Inappropriate content that may be of an offensive nature to other students should not be displayed on laptops or group workstations during class.


If a student missed an exam due to illness or injury, a makeup exam will be given to a student only when the student has a doctor’s note dated that day and contacts the instructor by email within 3 days after the exam date or the date that the doctor’s note suggests the student to recover enough to contact the instructor. However, an ordinary doctor’s appointment (scheduled by a student in advance) is not an acceptable reason for makeup unless it is inevitable to conflict with an exam beyond control of the student. The makeup exam must be completed before exam solutions are reviewed in class.

For an exceptional case other than illness or injury, a student must submit an official document to the instructor providing sufficiently convincing evidence of the fact that the cause for missing an exam was beyond control of the student (e.g., in case of a traffic accident on a way to a class, a police record of the accident should be furnished).


If Laulima or becomes unexpectedly unavailable in the last several hours before a quiz, homework or project deadline, email your solutions to the instructor or TA once you are sure that you will not be able to upload it but before the deadline. Please note that some quiz questions use random ordering for multiple choice: specify the content of your response, not just the letter.

The deadline of every assignment is firm. No late submission will be accepted (unless explicitly stated otherwise, possibly with penalties). No extension will be given except the following cases.

Data Backup

Each student is responsible for taking a periodical backup of her/his work and computer resources needed to meet course requirements. Especially, files for assignments should frequently be saved on an external storage device. An unexpected failure of the computer is not an acceptable excuse for a late submission. CS major students should exercise automatic, periodical backup procedures. If you do not practice periodical cloning and backup, start to do it from now.

A simple solution is to put all your coursework in a cloud environment such as Dropbox, but you still need to ensure that you have backup of a working computer to access this data.

My own procedure (in OS X) uses two external drives. External drives make it easy to move to another computer if yours becomes inoperable. One external drive is about the same size as my internal drive, and I use SuperDuper to make a bootable clone about once a week. This does not save intermediate or previous versions. The other drive is twice the size of the internal drive, and I use Time Machine to automatically record previous versions of documents. Time Machine does not produce a bootable disk. If my computer failed, I could boot off the SuperDuper clone disk and use the Time Machine disk to restore to my most recent versions.

This is a good procedure for one computer, but the frequency of Time Machine runs (once per hour) may be insufficient in time-critical situations. You might manually initiate back up on a more frequent basis. I use four computers and a server, so I also use Interarchy to synchronize (via disk mirroring) all of my document folders with my server and across the four computers. I run synchronization to my server after each major piece of work.