
12 points

Show the operation of Partition (not randomized) on this 1-based array:

 A = [1, 6, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 7, 5], p=1, q=9 

and the two sub-partitions that result as directed below. In other words, you will trace the three calls to Partition that are highest in the recursion tree. (They are not the first three calls: #1 is the first call and #2 is the second call, but the call marked as #3 below takes place after all the recursive calls breaking down #2.)

In order to make the desired response format clear and to make it easy for the TA to grade, I am providing a template for your response. You are to fill in wherever the underscore character “” appears. Use a plain text editor with _fixed-width font. Be sure to fill in all fields marked with underscore: use search to make sure you get them all. I start you off with the first few lines: continue in the same pattern.

**(#1) Call to Partition (A, 1, 9) made in Line 2 of the initial call to Quicksort:**

  A = [1, 6, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 7, 5], i=0, j=1, pivot = A[r] = A[9] = 5 

  Trace at the conclusion of each pass through the loop lines 3-6
  A = [1, 6, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 7, 5], i=1, j=1, exchanged A[1] with A[1]
  A = [1, 6, 2, 8, 3, 9, 4, 7, 5], i=1, j=2, no exchange 

  ... you fill in the rest until the loop exits ... 

  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=3, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=4, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=5, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=6, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=7, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=8, ___________

  After the swap in line 7: 
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, exchanged A[_] with A[_] 

What does Partition(A, 1, 9) return? __

Continuing execution of the top level call to Quicksort, identify the two
partitions that will be handled by the recursive calls to Quicksort at
this level: 
(#2) On what subarray will Quicksort in line 3 be called? A[_, _]
(#3) On what subarray will Quicksort in line 4 be called? A[_, _]

Now trace these two calls in a manner similar to above. 

**(#2) Call to Partition(A, _, _) handled in the first call to Quicksort line 3: **

  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, pivot = A[r] = A[_] = _

  Trace at the conclusion of each pass through the loop lines 3-6
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________

  After the swap in line 7: 
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, exchanged A[_] with A[_] 

What does this second call to Partition return? __

**(#3) Call to Partition(A, _, _) handled in the first call to Quicksort line 4:**

  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, pivot = A[r] = A[_] = _

  Trace at the conclusion of each pass through the loop lines 3-6
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, ___________

  After the swap in line 7: 
  A = [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], i=_, j=_, exchanged A[_] with A[_] 

What does this third call to Partition return? __

Not graded, but you might think about:

Dan Suthers Last modified: Wed Mar 19 23:22:39 HST 2014